
Monday, June 28, 2010

Cole Haan Giveaway - tell your friends!

I know I've only been blogging a few months, but since I don't do many things halfway, I want to increase my readership and get a better idea of how many ladies visit this site in a week.  I know I haven't gotten to 9,000 page views through my friends and coworkers only, so I hope that you'll participate in this little experiment and potentially win a great prize! 

Since it's summer, I am giving away a brand new pair of black Cole Haan sunglasses with a case!  These usually cost around $70, but I got a great deal and decided to pass them along to the rest of you in hopes that you'll help me out by recommending this blog to your friends and becoming a follower or fan on Facebook

Here's how this will work:  I am going to create an Excel spreadsheet and you will get one line for each action you take.  At 8:00 Central time on Monday, July 5th I will cut off the entries and then use a random number generator to select a row number.  On July 6th, I'll post the name of the winner and she'll need to email me about claiming the prize.  To get rows in my spreadsheet, you can:

1. Comment on this post with your name (and your blog, if you'd like) You do not have to create any sort of account to leave a comment.
2. Recommend this blog to your friends.  For every friend of yours who comments and includes your name as the referral, you will get another row in the spreadsheet and she'll be entered to win as well
3. Become a follower (see right) and comment letting me know that you did- you don't have to have a blog or even a Gmail account.  It only takes a moment.  If you're already a follower, say so in the comments and you'll get an additional row in the spreadsheet
4. Like me on Facebook (see right) and comment letting me know that you did.  If you're already a fan, say so in your comment and you'll get an additional row in the spreadsheet
5. Add me to your blogroll and you'll get two more rows in the spreadsheet.  (Link me to your blog in your comment so I can see it)

6. Write a post about how you enjoy this blog so much and you'll get three more rows in the spreadsheet.  (Link me to your blog in your comment so I can see it)
 Let me know if things aren't clear, but I'm hoping you ladies will run with this and help me increase my readership and get to the point where giveaways will be common around here.  Good luck!!


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