
Friday, April 6, 2012

Five Things Friday

Today brings another hodge podge post, but I'm pretty busy sitting on my couch watching True Blood Season 4 as I write this, so I hope you'll understand.  Here are a few things on my mind:

1. N and I have officially booked our Italian vacation and we leave in a month!  Some of you will have seen on Facebook that I finally found some walk-all-day shoes (these Sperry Angelfish) and now I'm starting to gather my wardrobe for the trip.  However, I need some advice - I know that Italy is not as casual as the US, and shorts aren't as accepted.  Will I look like a total tourist if I wear them sometimes? How about some suggestions for restaurant attire (for men, as well)?

I'll be heading to Florence (with day trip to Venice), Sorrento (with trips to Capri and Pompeii), and Rome so if you have any suggestions on things to do and see, I'd love to hear them!

Source: via Jenni on Pinterest

2. I got a little carried away in my closet cleaning last year, and have discovered that I have hardly any warm weather tops left.  Oops.  However, I've been looking around and can't help but wonder what's the deal with all the freaking kimonos and shapeless tops?!  I do not want to wear a giant flowy polyester curtain, but there's hardly anything else available.  I also don't want to wear a shirt that's a square with armholes in it.  Perhaps I need to learn to sew.

3. I am officially on Instagram now that it's available for Android, so you can follow me at cardiganjunkie and see pictures of my dogs and things I buy on sale!  Hooray!

4. The lovely Kelly at Fabulous K just installed some nifty new social media buttons on my blog last night, so check out all the ways you can be my friend on the internets and then consider doing it.  I've seen my follower counts drop this week, and even though traffic is pretty good, it makes me a little sad.

Hopefully I'm not starting to be unoriginal and boring (worst thing ever).  I was worried that monetizing would turn people off, and I don't plan to let it get out of hand, but would love to know your thoughts (good or bad). 

5.  Is 28 too old for mint green nail polish?  It was only $1.99 at Target and I thought I'd give it a try.  Not so sure.  I think my nails are too long.
 Have a great weekend - see you next week!


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