
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

Monday, March 7, 2011

Making a run for it

Have you ever seen photos of yourself and wanted to vomit?  This happened to me recently and I've decided that it's time to return to my college weight once and for all, which means I need to lose the 20 pounds I've been making excuses about since 2006.  And since I'm declaring this to hundreds of women on the internet, it means I have to follow through with it.  I'm not going to post frequent updates here, but you may follow the progress on Twitter if you like. 

I have all the tools I need and the support of my husband, who's beginning the journey with me, and now all we need is some sweet workout gear.   Ok, not really, but I would love to have the things in the fitness round-up below. 

Pink iPod Nano (I own a shuffle from 2004 and it just won't die)

What's your favorite fitness product or strategy?   I'm a big fan of the My Fitness Pal app, which helps me keep track of what I'm eating.  Now I need to stick with it!


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