
Showing posts with label gifts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label gifts. Show all posts

Thursday, December 19, 2013

From the Archives: Gift Ideas for Procrastinators

This week has been crazy, y'all.  I took yesterday off work to run 12 errands and still feel like I can't keep up.  I'm sure the next two days will be awful, but then I'll be home free for 9 glorious days!  Unfortunately, I didn't have time for the brand new gift guide I was planning but remembered some great ideas from years past that I wanted to share.

So, for those of you needing to buy a gift in person, here are some ideas:

A Bag of Makeup That's the Right Color
If you're anywhere near an Ulta or department store, take someone up on the offer to assist you by showing a photo of the person you're buying for, and ask for some recommendations on what products would look nice on her.  Then, package it in a cute makeup bag.  You can spend a little or a lot this way, and it won't take long to pull together.

Photographer Sitting Fee
No matter if you're single, married, or without kids, a photo session will probably be a welcome gift for your family. Since this can be expensive, it's a great option if you want to collaborate with siblongs.

P.S. If you're in the Dallas area, check out Zoe D. Photography

Better Versions of Old Household Items
I know I'm not the only person with parents still using wedding gifts received in the late 70's.  I've eaten on many a plate that's older than I am, and have heard my mom and others wish for an excuse to get new dishes/silverware/towels/small appliances/bedding.  That's why I like to just replace it for them, since practical people tend not to get rid of "perfectly good" albeit 32 year old dishes even though they now find them ugly.  So, if you know what your mom (in law) or someone else would like, go ahead and surprise her with new Fiestaware or bedding that she can exchange if she wants.  One year, I re-did my mom's bathroom with new towels, countertop accessories, and artwork and it was a hit!

gifts for mom - replacing old things

A Weekend Away
I don't know many people who would pass up the chance to take a weekend trip with her friend, sister or daughter.  If the lady on your list has relatives out of town that she doesn't see often, offer to drive her.  Or, book a weekend at a spa or a city a few hours away and do things she likes to do.  Even if you have to attend a quilt show or pretend to like scrapbooking, you will survive and it will be worth it to make someone happy.  You can design a cute gift certificate to present on Christmas morning, or even gift a new weekend  bag with the description on a large luggage tag.  Be creative!

image via

Good luck shopping!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Gift Guide: For the rest of us...

As much as I love browsing holiday gift guides, I seldom find anything suitable for my friends and family who don't necessarily drool over simple design or trinkets that cost $50. 

So, here's a gift guide that may be the most boring one you see all season, but if you have a no-nonsense dad or family members who have never heard of Jenna Lyons, then you might find it helpful.

For your mom who doesn't like to spend money on herself...
1. This LOFT knit jacket will flatter a variety of body types, especially since it comes in regular, petite, and tall sizes.  It is a little more appropriate for casual lifestyles than a regular blazer, and is unlikely to go out of style in the next few years. And since it's at LOFT, you can get it 40% off (or more) and return in person.

For your sister who returns everything...
If she has a tablet, a subscription to Next Issue is only $9.99 per month and will give her access to 120 magazines in a variety of genres.  You can buy a few months at a time, which will be a great stocking stuffer.

For your manly dad who thinks everything is a waste of money...
This week I saw someone seriously suggest a set of Ralph Lauren necktie Christmas ornaments as a great gift for dad or your man.  My dad would think I was insane if I spent $45 on three mini neckties, but I know he'd appreciate a chance to watch the funniest show on TV that most people don't know about - Impractical Jokers(Seriously, N and I sit on the couch and laugh out loud, and it's generally clean humor that you won't be embarrassed to watch with your family)

The dreaded couples gift...
Buying for couples usually ends up as gift card to a restaurant and some wine, which is fine, but if you're buying for family and know they need it, then a Logitech Harmony remote is an awesome gift.  It works perfectly, and consolidates multiple media remotes into one device that you program with your computer.  At our house, pressing "Watch TV" actually completes a three-step process involving the TV and surround sound receiver.  The basic version is only $70, and replaces up to five remotes.

For your grandma...
Did you know that there are companies who will scan thousands of family photos and make DVDs for you?  By transferring boxes of WalMart photo envelopes into digital images, you'll be able to make a great photo book of Christmas gatherings or family reunions through the years. 

For your (female) boss...
Buying an expensive gift for a boss is awkward, but a little trinket is thoughtful and if it's vintage it will seem more personal.  I'm a big fan of the offerings at Sweet & Spark, an online shop for vintage finds, or the thousands of independent sellers on Etsy.  

Tip: Search terms like "1940s bangle" (or 1950s or 1960s) and "vintage Trifari" to find classic pieces that can blend with a variety of styles.

 $27.99 via PastGems on Etsy

So, who do you struggle to buy for?  Share your best go-to gifts in the comments!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Things I Didn't Know You Could Monogram

Although it's a longstanding Southern tradition, I'm actually new to the monogramming bandwagon.  Aside from some Lillian Vernon school supplies, I never had many thing with my initials on them, so I guess I'm making up for lost time now.  I love the look of classic monograms (not too swirly!) and was happy to come across Marley Lilly via Pinterest. 

They take initials seriously over there.  These ladies are personalizing things I didn't realize that you could put letters on.  Check it out:

I seriously want a monogrammed wine tote and one of those luggage tags for when I travel.  Those workout tanks looks cute, too! 

If housewares suit your taste, I can attest that West Elm makes some great options too!  The clearance corner at the Dallas store was full of cast-offs and I was seriously wishing my initials were SCA.  These are my favorite pieces:

So are you planning on putting your initials on everything in sight or is it just me?

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Saying Thanks... On Paper

I know it's not just a Southern thing (there are plenty of polite Yankees, I hear) but thank you notes have been part of my life since I could write and I can't imagine foregoing the tradition.  After seeing so many "look what I got" and "I want to buy that" posts, I realized that I am dreadfully behind on my post-holiday correspondence and I have lots to be thankful for.

So, as I write lots of cards tonight, I thought I'd share a few great options to replenish everyone's stash of stationary in the new year:

thank you notes

I had to throw in some twenties inspired options after yesterday's post, and I must say the font style is growing on me! 

P.S. Did anyone watch Parenthood last night?  Did Amy go through with it?  I'm thinking not because it's network television and it all seemed too simple.  I appreciate it the script not going all after school special about it, but it seems like a topic worth more than 25% of the episode. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Gift Guide: Women Shopping For Men

Today's gift guide is the opposite of Monday's round-up: a collection of gifts for women shopping for the men in their lives.  I'm perhaps not the expert here, but I have a lot of guy friends and a huge practical streak that keeps me from suggesting luxury tee shirts or yet another $40 bottle opener for a person who happily uses one he got for free in college and always will.

I've tried to include a variety of price ranges and items to appeal to young city guys or even my own southern cowboy dad:

2013 gifts for guys

Clockwise from top left:
Plastic Flask - Will not set off metal detectors at sporting events.  Under $8.  Enough said.
Company K- This book is an amazing account of World War I that I enjoyed reading myself, and the men I've convinced to read it gave it their stamp of approval
Eddie Bauer Jacket - So classic, wear-it-forever style.  A bit of an investment, but worth it if your guy will wear it often.
Logitech Harmony Remote - So wonderful, I included it last year too!  This universal remote combines up to 8 devices into one and makes a 5-step Blu-ray watching procedure as easy as  pressing the "watch a movie" button.
Diesel Duffel Bag - I think every guy needs a proper duffel bag that will keep him looking respectable in airports and in front of your family and friends.
Wood Grain iPhone Case - I love the look of this rubber case from J.Crew, and it will work as well for dad as for your brother
Breaking Bad Blu-Ray - Best show ever.  If your guy hasn't gotten hooked yet, it's time.
Craft Beer of the Month Club - $38 per month for 12 craft beers from indie breweries across the country

What are your go-to gifts for the men in your life?


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