
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts
Showing posts with label giveaway. Show all posts

Friday, November 15, 2013

5 Things Friday + Last Day for Uncommon Goods Giveaway!

Thank goodness it is Friday! I don't think I've been this excited to wrap up a work week since 2008.  Now I get to get my house in order for 30 guests at our annual Fry-Day party (think Texas State Fair food assembled by amateurs in the backyard) and do some work on our registry for Baby Cardigan.

While I start tackling my To Do list, here are five things worth sharing on the internet:

1. I just purchased this pillow/cover from Society 6 and it is officially the jumping off point for Baby Cardigan's nursery, color-wise.  I'm going for a vaguely midentury-esque room with fun colors, gold washi tape trim, and subtle additions of Marvel characters because it makes my husband happy.  Wish me luck!

2. We all know that Rugs USA is a pretty amazing source for affordable rugs, and I just thought I'd bring this one to your attention.  It's such a cool pattern that is NOT CHEVRON!  (My only concern is that the rug that looks 100% navy or cobalt to me is being labeled as black)

3. What do we think of these shoes? I LOVE my Gap smoking slippers, and wish I could find a good leopard pair, and these look similar but I've never had any Aldo shoes and don't know how they hold up. 

4. This outfit photo via See Jane is so "me", except I'm not a ripped denim person and I like my scarves a little smaller and I'm short and brunette.  I can confidently say that my brown leather jacket has been one of my best investments ever (very similar), as was my saffron colored scarf.  If you're on the fence... BUY!  Look how cute you'll look!

image via See Jane

5. Don't forget that you have until midnight Central time tonight to enter to win the Uncommon Goods gold cuff bracelet.  Just leave a comment on the giveaway post (not here, please) and I'll pick a winner!

Bonus 6th Thing:  Are there any other HIMYM fans out there?  I hate that I'm hating this season, but I do like the mother a lot.  I keep hoping it will get better, but the characters are getting more cartoonish and there was a storyline about scrambled eggs.  It's painful, I tell you!

Happy weekend!

Monday, November 11, 2013

Giveaway: Gold Cuff from Uncommon Goods!

Happy Monday, internet!  I know it's been a while since I've hosted a giveaway, mostly because I am very selective about what I offer and have made it a rule to only give away something I'd want to win.  That's why I'm pretty excited about today's giveaway sponsor, Uncommon Goods!

Their website is a great source for finding unique pieces that you won't see at the mall, like this awesome gold-plated astrology cuff that's handmade by artist Julie Nolan.  You just pick your sign, and the constellations are hand stamped around the bracelet, which makes it a lot more personal than the candle you were considering for your sister-in-law. (Check out other personalized gifts here!)

The nice folks at Uncommon Goods have offered up one of these lovely bracelets to the winner of this giveaway, and if you win you will look like the most generous gift-giver, or one of the most stylish guests, at your holiday party!

If you want more Christmas or Hanukkah shopping ideas, check out their suggestions here (or this page, specifically for the women on your list)!

The Rules:
Entering is easy, just leave a comment in the Disqus thread below.  You don't have to create any sort of account, but you'll need to supply an email address or Twitter handle so I can contact you if you win.  (If you don't, I will pick another entry) The cutoff for entries is midnight central time on Friday, 11/15 and the giveaway is open to US residents only.  I'll announce the winner on Monday!  Good luck!

Disclosure: The prize for this giveaway is being provided by Uncommon Goods, but I have received no financial compensation for hosting and selected the item myself.  All opinions are my own.

Monday, March 11, 2013

Win a LOFT Necklace & Tote - TWO Winners!

This giveaway is closed - congrats to Neeharika and Laura!  Thanks to everyone who entered - I wish I had dozens of necklaces for all of you!  Maybe next time!


Remember a while back when I offered up a LOFT necklace for a giveaway last month?  Well, the amazing team at LOFT noticed all of your entries and awesome styling ideas and they thought that one winner just wasn't enough!

Today I'm excited to offer TWO readers the chance to win a LOFT flower necklace (worth $79.50!) and a cute tote bag designed just just for LOFT girls like us.

Here's how to enter:

1. Leave a comment on this post and tell me where or how you'd wear the necklace.  [Pssst! Be sure to include your email address or a link to your blog so I can contact you if you win, and only post to the Disqus thread so I'm sure to see it!]

For extra entries: (tell me about them in your comment so I know you did it!)

2. Tell me your favorite item from the LOFT spring collection
3. Follow Cardigan Junkie on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, or Instagram (links are in the right sidebar)

4. Follow LOFT on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest

This giveaway closes at noon Central time on Sunday, March 17th.  I'll announce the winner on Monday the 18th!  This contest is open to US and Canadian readers only, please.

Disclosure:  I did not receive any sort of compensation from LOFT to host this giveaway, but the prizes were supplied free of charge and I will personally cover the mailing costs.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Giveaway: LOFT Collection Necklace!

Update:  This contest is closed - the winner was Angie!

It's been a long while since I've hosted a giveaway for you nice ladies, but I only like to offer things I'd want for myself and today's prize does not disappoint!

We all know that I love me some LOFT, and they are so sweet to count me among their LOFT Girl brand ambassadors.  I shop there often (with my own money!) and just this weekend I scored four perfectly-fitting sweaters for under $60!  Needless to say, I was thrilled to receive their Spring 2013 look book along with this amazing necklace from the new collection.

However, since all of you are so sweet to support my little blog, I thought it would only be appropriate for me to share the wealth and offer this gorgeous necklace to one of you!  Hot damn, y'all are lucky! (I kid... kinda)

Here's how to enter:
  • Leave a comment on this post (Disqus thread only) telling me how you'd style this necklace Make sure you supply an email address or a link to your blog so I can contact you!
  • You cannot say you'd wear it with a little black dress because that is too easy (my blog, my rules!)
  • If you create a Polyvore set using the necklace, put the link in your comment and you'll get an extra entry
So simple!  I can't wait to see how all of you would wear the necklace.  Be sure to leave your comment by 9pm central time on Sunday, February 3rd.  I'll announce the winner on Monday!

Good luck!

Sunday, September 30, 2012

New Swarovski Elements App + Bracelet Giveaway

I think it's safe to say that I'm a bit of a magpie when it comes to jewelry.  So, when Svarovski reached out and asked me to review their new iPad app and offered a great piece from the Elements collection, I decided that I'd probably enjoy checking it out and then pass the swag along to all of you (since nobody really wants to read about something I got for free).

If you've got an iPhone or an iPad, I suggest you check out the new Swarovski Elements app that is basically a free monthly magazine with GORGEOUS imagery.  If you like high fashion photo spreads, you'll enjoy seeing the jewelry styled in such amazing ways.  I'm completely in love with the glam, art deco feel of the Elements collection, plus some of the more rocker chic pieces.

See, look:

The nice people at Swarovski have sent a Twisted Glamour leather and crystal wrap bracelet worth $77 and I will mail it to one lucky winner this weekend. 
 Here's how to enter:
- Leave comment on this post by noon Central time on Friday October 5th.  Be sure to include your email address if you don't have a Disqus account
- For an extra entry, download the app or like Swarovski Elements on Facebook and then tell me that you did

Good luck!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Giveaway! Kenneth Jay Lane Earrings

It's been a while since I've hosted a giveaway, and since I've been on a winning streak lately, I've decided to pay it forward and offer up a pair of Kenneth Jay Lane earrings that I got with credits on

These gold disc earrings are really versatile and super classic, so I'm excited for one of you ladies to have them and wear them all summer long!  Wouldn't they be great with a bright summer sundress or a bohemian inspired top?

Here's how to enter:

1. Be a follower of Cardigan Junkie and leave a comment on this post.  You can follow me via any of the tools in the right margin, just let me know which one in your comment.  (You don't have to create any sort of Google account to comment - I've made it very easy for you!)

2. For an extra entry, add me to your blogroll and let me know that you did

3. For an extra entry, either tweet or Facebook post about this giveaway and tag me in your post

The deadline for entries is midnight Central time on June 22nd.  I'll announce a winner on June 23rd.  Canadian and European entries are welcome. 

Monday, March 21, 2011

More DIY Fabric Art... and a tiny Marimekko Giveaway!

I consider myself to be quite spoiled in terms of geography.  Not just because Texas is awesome (why hello, 84 degree afternoons!), but because Dallas has so many fantastic stores and a huge array of outlets with 20 miles of my home.  This weekend I made a quick run to the Crate + Barrel outlet store and made out like a bandit.  I got a stainless spoon rest, 2 Christmas stockings, a 5x7 rug pad, and 2 yards of gorgeous Marimekko fabric all for $30!

The fabric was only $3.95 per yard(!!!) so I got a couple of designs featuring colors already in my house, and intended to make some throw pillows once I get around to learning to use my sewing machine.  However, when I got home I realized that one of the fabric pieces would look great in the empty space over my console table until I find the right piece of art to hang there for good.

I didn't want to pay $19 for a canvas to attach the fabric to because I am cheap, so I decided to use a piece of metal wall art I already had and don't like anymore and just duct tape the fabric to the metal without cutting it:

Yeah, I could have been a bit neater... 

I'm pretty happy with the end result for having spent $4 and 10 minutes.  It will work nicely until I make up my mind about art.

And now for a giveaway of sorts.  I have an extra yard of Marimekko fabric in a similar print, and I'd love to see it be put to good use.  The photo doesn't do it justice - the colors are vivid teals and greens and browns and it looks like someone painted it.  I was going to cut the squares apart and make some sort of YHL-esque frame arrangement.  However, I'm offering it up to one of you crafty ladies (or gentlemen) out there.  If you would use this fabric for something, leave a comment here and tell me your plans for it and I'll pick a winner on Friday.    

American readers only, please, since I don't want to pay more for shipping than the fabric itself.

What do you think about my temporary "art"?  Can you think of anything else that would look good over my table for around $150 or less?  Having good taste can be very expensive...

Monday, February 7, 2011

$35 Gift Card Giveaway from CSN Stores!

This week I’m really excited to announce another $35 gift card giveaway sponsored by the awesome team at CSN Stores!  If you’re not familiar, CSN has a huge network of stores that sell pretty much everything you can think of.  I’m currently in the market for a desk, so I’d use the gift card to check out all the great office furniture they have right now – including iconic pieces designed by Charles and Ray Eames and the classic parson’s desk.  The gift card can be used at any of the 200+ stores in the CSN network, although it doesn’t apply to shipping charges.

Be sure and check out all they have to offer!  Here’s how to enter:

·      Leave a comment on this post by midnight Central time on Friday, February 11.  You don’t have to create any sort of account to leave a comment, just select Name/Url from the dropdown or Anonymous and be sure to include your email address so I can contact you
·      For an extra entry, link to something you’d buy with your CSN gift card!

This contest is open to US and Canadian residents only, as CSN doesn’t ship internationally.  Good luck!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Giveaway! Grayce by Molly Sims cocktail ring

It's been a while since I've hosted a giveaway and since Tuesday will be my 1 year Blog-iversary (wow!) I want to celebrate by giving something back to all of you ladies who come here each day and read what I have to say.

This week I have an awesome gold cocktail ring with coral jewel from the Grayce by Molly Sims collection.  It's a size 7, and you could buy it here or simply leave a comment and have a chance at winning it for free!  Originally, the ring was $95 but I happened to get it for free thanks to a account credit.

Here's the rules:

Each entry to win gets you one line in my spreadsheet.  To get an entry you can:
  • Leave a comment on this post by midnight Central time on Friday, January 28 with some way to contact you if you're the winner.  You don't have to create any sort of account, just select Name/Url or Anonymous from the dropdown box and you're all set.
  • Follow me via Google Friend connect (see right).  I'd really like to see that number grow - it seems like it's been at 80 forever! Be sure to let me know via email or a comment that you did this!
  • Like me on Facebook (see right).  Again, let me know via email or comment that you did this!
  • Follow me on Twitter (see right).  Same holds true - let me know you did and you'll get another entry
  • Add me to your blog roll.  Let me know that you did via email or comment and provide a link to your blog.
I'll pick a winner using after all entries are received by midnight on Friday and announce the winner on Monday morning.  Good luck!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Gift Card Giveaway from CSN Stores!

This giveaway has ended - thanks to everyone for entering!

I'm pretty excited to announce a new giveaway this week - sponsored by CSN stores.  If you haven't heard of them yet, you'll be glad to discover that they sell pretty much everything across a wide selection of websites.  Whether you need a new drop leaf table, a great deal on designer wallpaper or one of the 6,000 pairs of dress shoes they sell (yes, that is the correct number of zeroes), CSN has got you covered.  The selection of available items is pretty daunting, and I know everyone could find something they like for their home or closet.

CSN has offered a $35 gift card for Cardigan Junkie readers who leave a comment on this post by midnight Central time on Sunday, October 17th.  The contest is open to residents of the US and Canada.  You do not have to create any sort of Google account to leave a comment, but you will need to leave your email address so I can get in touch with you and let you know that you've won. 

And in case you're still in doubt, here are a few things you could use your gift card to buy:

Monday, August 30, 2010

Giveaway - Nate Berkus' Home Rules

It's giveaway time again!  You'll notice I don't do these often (yet), and only when I get my hands on something I think you ladies will really like.  This week I'm giving away a copy of one of my new favorite decoration inspiration books - Home Rules by Nate Berkus

I love Nate's cool eclectic style and how the rooms look really livable and not too perfect.  I love having books like this around when I'm trying to fill a space and looking through them before I go to Homegoods in case I see something I may not have considered otherwise. 

If you want to enter to win your own copy, all you need to do is leave a comment on this post.  If you follow me (see right) or like me on Facebook, let me know in your comment and you'll get two entries.  Deadline to enter is 8:00 Central time on September 4th.

You do not have to create any type of account to leave a comment and please tell your friends!

P.S.  I've registered my blog on - a free service that consolidates giveaways on blogs and sites all in one place.  Check them out if you like free stuff!

Monday, June 28, 2010

Cole Haan Giveaway - tell your friends!

I know I've only been blogging a few months, but since I don't do many things halfway, I want to increase my readership and get a better idea of how many ladies visit this site in a week.  I know I haven't gotten to 9,000 page views through my friends and coworkers only, so I hope that you'll participate in this little experiment and potentially win a great prize! 

Since it's summer, I am giving away a brand new pair of black Cole Haan sunglasses with a case!  These usually cost around $70, but I got a great deal and decided to pass them along to the rest of you in hopes that you'll help me out by recommending this blog to your friends and becoming a follower or fan on Facebook

Here's how this will work:  I am going to create an Excel spreadsheet and you will get one line for each action you take.  At 8:00 Central time on Monday, July 5th I will cut off the entries and then use a random number generator to select a row number.  On July 6th, I'll post the name of the winner and she'll need to email me about claiming the prize.  To get rows in my spreadsheet, you can:

1. Comment on this post with your name (and your blog, if you'd like) You do not have to create any sort of account to leave a comment.
2. Recommend this blog to your friends.  For every friend of yours who comments and includes your name as the referral, you will get another row in the spreadsheet and she'll be entered to win as well
3. Become a follower (see right) and comment letting me know that you did- you don't have to have a blog or even a Gmail account.  It only takes a moment.  If you're already a follower, say so in the comments and you'll get an additional row in the spreadsheet
4. Like me on Facebook (see right) and comment letting me know that you did.  If you're already a fan, say so in your comment and you'll get an additional row in the spreadsheet
5. Add me to your blogroll and you'll get two more rows in the spreadsheet.  (Link me to your blog in your comment so I can see it)

6. Write a post about how you enjoy this blog so much and you'll get three more rows in the spreadsheet.  (Link me to your blog in your comment so I can see it)
 Let me know if things aren't clear, but I'm hoping you ladies will run with this and help me increase my readership and get to the point where giveaways will be common around here.  Good luck!!


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