
Friday, October 19, 2012

5 Things Friday

Happy Friday!  I hope everyone is having a great week - I'll be heading south to be with my family and then coming back home to put our house back together.  It turns out that when you get new carpet in all the bedrooms in your house, you have to move everything you own into the living room.  It's making me pretty crazy!

While I fret about the clutter, here are five things I deemed worth sharing on the internet:

1. This week I'm excited to partner with LOFT and help them debut their skinny cords and color pop jeans.  I will admit I was really nervous about this, although I've posed before, because I know there are lots of people out there who will be quick to comment that someone wearing size 10 jeans should not be wearing skinny anything.  However, I feel like I owe it to the other medium size ladies out there to proudly pose in a style that looks good on lots of women... even those of us without inner thigh clearance.

LOFT skinny pants come in lots of different cuts, and it was pretty exciting to put on a pair that wasn't tight (there's a big difference between skinny pants and tight pants, but that's a topic for another day).  You can see me on their Pinterest board and Facebook page, and if you don't mind, I'd really appreciate your e-support for me and the nice ladies at LOFT, who have always been big supporters of this blog.

Disclosure: My sweater and pants in the photo below were provided by LOFT.  This post was not a condition of my agreement, I just enjoy working with them.

This was my blogger pose. 

2. Is this not the coolest DIY?!  Sharpie + Ikea slipcover = modern dalmatian print

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

I'm Obsessed: Craftsman Style Homes

One of my biggest strengths, according to the Gallup StrengthsFinder, is the way that I can think ahead and plan for the future.  It's a blessing at work, where my job is to communicate with clients and plan projects, but in the rest of my life it's kind of a curse.  My mind is always focused on something five steps ahead of what's happening now, which leads to my current obsession with building a house.

You see, my husband and I live in a house he bought in 2008 and it's a great starter house.  I'm making it presentable, but it won't be a long term home because the local schools aren't great and we will want more space when there are little people in our family (god willing, one day).  So, if you're a crazy planner like me, the thought process goes like this:

If we have a baby in 2013-2014, we will probably want to move around 2015-2016.  Where should we move?  Do we even want to stay in Dallas where we have no family?  But I hate Houston weather and Bryan, TX would make me cry from boredom.  Plus, I hate most houses.  New neighborhoods these days are so ugly.  Oh god, we're going to have to build a house because I'm so picky.  If we build a house, we should start thinking about what we want so we can figure out how much it will cost and how much money we'll have to save.  What if we need to switch jobs and move to a new city first?  Should we start thinking about that now? Oh this will be expensive... deep breaths.

In an effort to channel my thoughts productively, I've started a Pinterest board with some of my most favorite house-related pins so we can figure out exactly how much this dream will cost.  One thing that's very clear is that I'm 100% sold on a Craftsman style exterior.  Nothing else will do.

Source: via Haley on Pinterest

Source: via Haley on Pinterest

Monday, October 15, 2012

Guess where you can find all this?

Happy Monday!  I hope you all had a great weekend.  I enjoyed lots quality time with my husband's side of the family, and ate some crazy fried goodness at the state fair.  I also owe him a big favor for taking 143 photos of me yesterday for a project that I worked on with LOFT (look to the right for a little sneak peek).

Now, let's play a game!  Guess where you can find all of this cute stuff, most for under $40.

cute stuff at jcp!

Friday, October 12, 2012

5 Things Friday

Good morning! I've had a pretty good week and now have a house full of guests for the weekend.  Hopefully of you are gearing up for a relaxing couple of days, as well.

Until then, here are five things I deemed worth sharing on the internet:

1.  Tomorrow our family is headed to the Texas State Fair where we will partake in ridiculous friend goodness like Friend Bacon Cinnamon Rolls, Fried Marshmallows, Fried Mac and Cheese, and other totally healthy options.  I'm excited, though I'll only be looking at the giant ferris wheel since I am scared of riding them.  It's one of my strange fears that I cannot shake.  Am I the only one?

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Top Picks: Heeled Riding Boots

You may recall that a few weeks ago I put together a collection of brown knee-high boots for a lovely reader who asked for help finding them.  Well, since then I've heard from two people and one family member, and everyone wants to see more options but with heels this time.

Ask and ye shall (eventually) receive!  As before, I've put together a grouping of my favorite options.  All are leather, moderately priced, and can be found via Amazon Fashion (formerly but some of the same styles are at so check prices on both sites before you order anything!

heeled boots

See anything you like?  ;)

Monday, October 8, 2012

Reader Request: One Dress Three Ways

Good morning!  I'm enjoying a day off work today, and before I start my time as a lady of leisure I wanted to share a post that I've written for Lauren - a reader looking to get some more wear out of the great LOFT dress she bought for her anniversary dinner.

Rather than show how a dress can be transformed by shoes and jewelry (or a cardigan), I decided to be a little less obvious and show how you can treat a dress like Lauren's as you would a skirt. 

treating your dress like a skirt

In the Fall, the dress can be layered under a fitted sweater for a chic work appropriate look with heels or ballet flats.  Then, in warmer weather it can be paired with a knotted chambray shirt and wedge sandals.  This is also a great option when packing for a trip since the dress looks amazing on it's own, and you can get a second wearing out of it before heading home.

Hopefully this was helpful!  If you have a style dilemma, send me an email and I'll try to help out!

Friday, October 5, 2012

5 Things Friday: Home Edition

Good morning!  This week has been great, but busy, for me and can't wait to spend it relaxing at home with some books while my husband watches baseball.  We may even get crazy and start shopping for bathroom tile and countertops!  I know, it's a wild life we lead.

Until then, here are five things I deemed worth sharing on the internet:

1. Remember those animal figurines you could get at the Hallmark store in the 90s?  Since I had a dachshund, people would give them to me and until recently, they sat on a shelf.  Since everyone and their cousin has started spray painting toys gold, I decided to try transforming my little dogs and I'd say it turned out well.  Total cost: $4 plus 20 minutes.

2. This week I finally ordered the Safavieh Rug I've been eyeing for a long time.  The price dropped significantly, and shipping was free, so I am kicking off Project Dining Room.  It may take a long time to get to my goal, but I'm finally on my way!

dream dining room - fall 2012

3. I think this photo is so gorgeous - I want it.  Luckily, prints are totally affordable.

Source: via Haley on Pinterest

4. No, I'm not pregnant, but that doesn't mean I don't love nurseries.  This vignette is perfect for a little girl without being too "done"

5. I've decided that I'm going to revamp my existing sunburst mirror and make it bigger and more impactful.  I'll be picking up some wood shims and trying my hand at this technique that I found via The Thrifty Abode.  Fingers crossed that it doesn't suck!

And with that, I bid you good weekend!


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